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quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2012

Chamada para inscrição de congresso na Inglaterra - IUAES 2013

Estamos propondo um um panel na conferencia do IUAES (Manchester, UK, 5-10 agosto 2013). O prazo para submitir trabalhos é muito perto - 13 de junho, talvez seja prorogado mas... Interessados, inscrevam-se; não interessados, façam circular esta chamada.

The 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences with the overall theme "Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds" will be hosted by the University of Manchester, UK from the 5th-10th August 2013.

Convenors: Carmen Rial, Alex Vailati (For submission please email to

Chair: Marc Piault
Panel Short Abstract:
This panel will focus on that projects that are crossing barrier between research and socio-political intervention, in order to reflect on how power relationships are developed in so called 'collaborative' projects.

Panel Long Abstract:
         The word collaboration has been strongly present in the history of cultural anthropology, in particular since 1922, with the first two example of this practice. Malinowsky monograph and Flaherty documentary, has marked anthropologists imagination with the embryonic possibility of producing shared text, result of collaboration with 'subjects'. Jean Rouch works has also been emblematic of this practice. Since Sixties, especially in visual anthropology, the aim of producing shared representation underlined various experimentations. Nowadays, we can say that this expertise on research collaboration processes' creation is a heritage of anthropology.
       Moreover in many societies the words 'collaboration' or 'participation' are used within many political frameworks in order to underline an intimate connection with power groups and 'recipient' of social and political projects. Many case studies evidence this global trend. Furthermore, it is also detectable a process of 'ideologization' of participation, strategy useful to hide power relations and hegemonic influences. This panel's aims are to reflect on contribution of anthropological theory and ethnological practice to the topic of collaboration. On a de-constructive level, this panel could be a platform to reflect on how power relationships are developed in collaborative projects: which are the limits of collaboration between researchers and researched? How institutions influence this relationship? Which is the role of scientific associations this debate? It is necessary create ethics code useful to protect 'research subjects'? We invite the submission of projects that are  using collaboration, as well as to respond to those questions, also to cross that barrier between scientific research and socio-political intervention.

Informações enviadas poCarmen Rial, Profa. do Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Coordenadora do NAVI/GAUM e Diretora do Associação Brasileira de Antropologia
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Cláudio Rogério
Bolsista ETAPA

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